

导读 大家好,小阳来为大家解答以上的问题。商务英语文章在哪找,商务英语文章这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、Dear Sirs,Thank


1、Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter. But I am sorry to inform you that it is very difficult for us to accept your counter-offer, 2% off is the best we can do.You can compare our products with the others. I am sure you can find the difference, since our products are of superior quality. They are well received all around the world.The last but not least, I think quality is more important than the price. If you spend less money, then you will get less-qualified products. So you will get what you pay for. Being said above, your prompt reply will be much appreciated. Yours faithfully,希望对你有所帮助。
